Swimlanes.io is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.
Title: Ideal Mollie Setup note: This process describes the ideal Mollie setup, where both the ERP and accounting tool are directly connected to Mollie's APIs. In most cases, though, at least one of those systems isn't directly connected and would use a different approach. With the Xentral ERP, for instance, all order status updates (eg. shipping, refunds) are relayed through the shop, which puts special requirements on both the ERP-Shop-Connector as well as the Mollie shop plugin. Consumer -> Shop: Start checkout Shop -> Mollie: GET methods Mollie -> Shop: methods Consumer -> Shop: Select method Shop -> Mollie: POST orders Mollie -> Shop: Confirm ...: {fa-spinner} Export Order to ERP Shop -> ERP: Export Order note: Payment data may or may not be included in order from shop if: If payment data not included in order export ERP -> Mollie: GET payment/order Mollie -> ERP: Payment data end if: Changes to the order required ERP -> Mollie: PATCH order/ord_/lines Mollie -> ERP: Confirm end note: Package to be shipped ERP -> Mollie: POST order/shipment Mollie -> ERP: Confirm ERP -> Shop: Status update ERP -> Consumer: Package ...: {fa-spinner} Consumer returns package Consumer -> ERP: Package ERP -> Mollie: POST payment/refunds Mollie -> ERP: Confirm ERP -> Shop: Status update ...: {fa-spinner} Accounting starts ERP -> Accounting: Sales receipts if: Settlement based accounting Accounting -> Mollie: GET settlements note: Executed on new settlement else: Balance based accounting Accounting -> Mollie: GET balance transactions note: Executed periodically (eg. daily or even hourly) else: CSV based accounting Accounting -> Mollie: CSV import (manual!) note: Can be either balance-based or settlement-based end order: Consumer, Shop, ERP, Mollie, Accounting