Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: Subscribe Site Building Pipeline Order: User, FrontEnd, Subscribie API, Builder Module,CouchDB User -> FrontEnd: Inputs form information FrontEnd -> Subscribie API: Validate input live FrontEnd -> User: e.g. Error that email address is already taken FrontEnd -> Builder Module: New shop submitted (JSON) Note: 1. User fills out new shop form containing: * Shop name * Subscriptions they sell * It's name * Upfront. cost * Monthly cost * Image of subscription The submission to Subscribie API can happen at any time, for example at the end. User <- Subscribie API: {fas-spinner} User sees "Building your site" Builder Module -> Builder Module: Validate shop is unique Builder Module --> User: Error: Shop name already taken. Builder Module -> CouchDB: Store shop metadata + image(s) Note: Images (blobs) are stored in the same CouchDB document as attatchments CouchDB -> Builder Module: Retrieve Document Id Builder Module <-> Builder Module: Generate Kubernetes manifest Note: The kubernetes manifest: * Tagged with CouchDB assigned DocumentId * Pod spec * Persistent storage claim * Ingress resource (patch) Builder Module -> CouchDB: Submit New Site manifest CouchDB -> Kubernetes CronJob: Fetch (pull) new manifests Kubernetes CronJob -> Kubernetes Cluster: Apply manifest note: New Subscribe Shop instance created CronJob fetches must be idempotent A kubectl apply -f an twice must have no effect on the deployment autonumber