Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: Delivering email from the world to a Lokole client Email provider -> Sendgrid API: Send email to client domain Sendgrid API -> Lokole server: Deliver MIME data via ReceiveInboundEmail action Lokole server -> Azure Storage (auth container): Verify client id Lokole server -> Azure Storage (raw container): Store email Lokole server --> Inbound worker: Trigger StoreInboundEmails action via Azure ServiceBus Lokole server -> Sendgrid API: Return 200 Inbound worker -> Azure Storage (raw container): Load MIME data Inbound worker -> Azure Storage (email container): Parse MIME data and store email Inbound worker -> Azure Storage (pending container): Mark email as pending for client Inbound worker --> Index worker: Trigger IndexReceivedEmailForMailbox action via Azure ServiceBus Index worker -> Azure Storage (email container): Load email Index worker -> Azure Storage (mailbox container): Index email Lokole client -> Lokole server: Request pending emails via DownloadClientEmails action Lokole server -> Azure Storage (pending container): Fetch list of new emails Lokole server -> Azure Storage (email container): Load new emails Lokole server -> Azure Storage (client container): Upload archive containing new emails Lokole server -> Azure Storage (pending container): Delete list of pending emails Lokole server -> Lokole client: Return 200 with location of email archive Lokole client -> Azure Storage (client container): Fetch email archive order: Lokole client, Lokole server, Azure Storage (auth container), Azure Storage (client container), Azure Storage (mailbox container), Index worker, Azure Storage (raw container), Azure Storage (pending container), Azure Storage (email container), Inbound worker, Sendgrid API, Email provider