Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: Get status of User's videos Client -> 3Speak: My Videos note: - [Please refer to previous diagram first]( - API Endpoint - - HTTP Headers - Cookie & Content-Type: application/json - HTTP Method - GET 3Speak -> Client: Response of My Videos note: - Please open this [Sample response]( - Please review the `status` attribute carefully. - It can have following values - `uploaded` - 0 - video was just uploaded - `encoding_queued` - 1 - video is now queued for encoding - `encoding` - 2 - video is now being encoded - `encoding_failed` - 3 - video encoding failed after 5 attempts from different encoder nodes. - `deleted` - 4 - user can mark this video as deleted. - `publish_manual` - 5 - video is ready to be published. - `published` - 6 - video was published - Populate UI based on the status - Show one tab for videos which are being encoded - Show another tab for videos which are published - Show another tab for videos which are READY to be published - Show another tab for failed videos