Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: OpenEDR Event Flow Upload.exe -> SFTP-Service: upload event files note: - Windows event files are [rotated by NXLog-CE]( - After file is uploaded, Upload.exe signals to receiver that a file is ready for processing by creating a directory that has the <fileName + .uploaded>. - This scheme is resilient to transfer disruptions & mitigates event losses due to network or process-crash issues. - Upload.exe will always auto-restart & retry until it is able to create the signal folder & remove the file at the Windows sender end. SFTP-Service -> insertEvent.js : move file to r/w directory note: - Incrond runs within [SFTP service container]( - Incrond [uses script]( to move content file upon detecting signaling folder to a [folder monitored]( by [insertEvent.js]( insertEvent.js -> OrientDB : AddEvent(...) note: - the uploaded file consists of many json lines - AddEvent is a server-side function within OrientDB (a graph database) - insertEvent.js escapes the json line before [calling AddEvent]( to process a json line - We can view server-side function with ODB web UI under functions tab. - AddEvent in turns call other ODB functions to process each line. - It is an intensive function & can slow write-rate