Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: Uploading Sensor Data _: **Data collection** Note de0gee, Auth: You can collect data via the de0gee device. de0gee -> de0gee: Collect **Sensor Data** de0gee -> User Phone: **Sensor Data** via bluetooth User Phone -> Auth: `POST /data`: **Sensor Data** + User IOT stuff API Key via HTTPS Note de0gee, Auth: Or, you can collect data via the phone. User Phone -> User Phone: Collect **Sensor Data** User Phone -> Auth: `POST /data`: **Sensor Data** + User API Key via HTTPS _: **Data storage** Auth -> Auth: Validate user using API key Auth -->> User Phone: `Response`: _Return if invalid_ Auth -> Data: `POST /data`: **Sensor Data** via LAN Data -> Data: Store **Sensor Data** Data -> Auth: `Response`: success/failure Auth -> User Phone: `Response`: success/failure _: **Data analysis** (via Goroutine) Data -> AI: `POST /classify`: **Sensor Data** via LAN AI -> AI: Classify **Sensor Data** to get Location Data AI -> Data: `Response`: **Location Data** Data -> Data: Store **Location Data** Data -->> User IOT stuff: **Location Data** via authenticated MQTT Data -> Auth: `POST /location`: **Location data** via LAN Auth -->> User Browser: **Location Data** via secure websockets