Create sequence diagrams with simple online tool is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.

Title: Bacs Inbound Direct Credit Held _:{fa-check-circle} _Prerequisites_ note: * ClearBank **IBAN** is mapped to Mambu Deposit account & **Virtual Account ID** is linked to Deposit Account * **Client Money Account** & **Bacs Suspense Account** are Available and Active * **Deposit Account** is Active | Approved * `monitorDirectDebitTransaction` is `false` in Mambu Config group:**Bacs: three-day processing cycle** _: **`Day One of Processing`** Bacs --> Bacs: **Input Day**: The Service User submits the payment to Bacs _: **`Day Two of Processing`** ClearBank --> ClearBank: **The Processing Day**: The Service User submits the payment to Bacs Bacs --> ClearBank: _Bacs_ outputs to _ClearBank_ ClearBank ->> MPO: {fa-assistive-listening-systems} **BacsDirectDebitInboundPaymentCreated** webhook is sent MPO -->> ClearBank: Confirm received webhook _: **`Day Three of Processing`** ClearBank ->> MPO: {fa-assistive-listening-systems} **BacsDirectCreditInboundPaymentHeld** webhook is sent MPO -->> ClearBank: Confirm received webhook MPO ->> Mambu: {fa-envelope} [INFO] Notification is sent if: False Positive ClearBank ->> MPO: {fa-assistive-listening-systems} **TransactionSettled** (_Credit_) webhook is sent MPO -->> ClearBank: Confirm received webhook MPO -> Mambu: **Deposit** transaction is posted in Mambu MPO -> Mambu: Update Deposit transaction custom fields (**transactionStatus = Settled**) end if: True Positive Note []: {fa-exclamation} No webhook or notification is sent by ClearBank MPO ->> ClearBank: **Polling Mechanism:** Transaction is searched in ClearBank note: The search is made after 12 hours from the moment the **BacsDirectCreditInboundPaymentHeld** webhook arrvied. if: Transaction is not found in ClearBank MPO ->> Mambu: {fa-envelope} Notification is sent end end