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Title: Braintree Venmo Flow note: Deposits/payments are via Braintree SDK while Withdrawals/payouts are via the PayPal Payouts API =: Player logs into their merchant account If: First time deposit flow Player -> Merchant Cashier: Player chooses to make a Deposit with Venmo Merchant Cashier -> Braintree Client SDK: Render Payment Experience and Initialize component note Client (Player), RMG Merchant Server:* [Venmo Overview]( * Use [Tokenization key]( to initiate the JS SDK * Merchant will be using [JS SDK]( to render Venmo button on Desktop and Mobile Web flows * Merchant will be using JS SDK with Webviews to render Venmo button in MerchantĀ“s iOS & Android apps. Make sure to use pop-up bridge option for webviews to work as expected. * [PopupBridge iOS]( * [PopupBridge Android]( **Note:** * VenmoPaymentMethodUsage option has to be set to [MultiUse]( on the client side (available in v3.77.0+). * Also make sure to collect device data using [Device Data collector component]( _: Player Clicks on Venmo button and authorizes Merchant for payment Braintree Client SDK --> Merchant Cashier: Fetch Payload containing Nonce, First & Last name, Phone number, email, external id & Venmo username Merchant Cashier -> PXP: Send Nonce, Device Data & Player Details note: [VenmoEnrollment request] * MerchantID * clientSystemUserEnrollmentid * type = account.venmo * userId * accountNumber (nonce) PXP -> Braintree: Create Customer note: [createCustomer Mutation]( * PXP to pass all available customer information ( first name, last name, device data, email, phone number & nonce ) * PXP to include Player ID to maintain the same player ID mapped to the customer id in Braintree vault Braintree --> PXP: Create Customer Response note: [createCustomer Payload]( * PXP to store Customer ID and use it in the Vault Payment Method Mutation PXP -> Braintree: Vault Payment Method note: [VaultPaymentMethod Mutation]( * PXP to pass Customer ID & Payment Method Nonce Braintree --> PXP: Vault Payment Method Response note:[vaultPaymentMethod Payload]( **PXP to store Payment method token and Venmo User ID (used for withdrawals) in the Payment Account** * The PXP payment account is used for the Venmo deposit (Payment Method Token is sent in the AuthorizeVenmoAccount Mutation) + The PXP payment account is used for the Venmo Withdrawal (payout is sent to VenmoUserID) PXP --> Merchant Cashier: Send Venmo User ID to Merchant Merchant Cashier -> Merchant Cashier: Merchant runs risk checks using Venmo User ID and the data fetched from payload If: If risk check successful Merchant Cashier -> PXP: If risk check successful, proceed with payment/deposit: send initiatePayment for VenmoDeposit note: [initiatePayment for VenmoDeposit] * MerchantID, shopID, merchantTransactionID * paymentMethodId * Amount, currency * UserID, userIP, userSessionID * CreationType * specificPaymentData: CollectedDeviceData - device data hash collected from device data component on client side * PaymentAccountID PXP -> Braintree: Authorize Venmo Transaction note: [AuthorizeVenmoAccount Mutation]( * Merchant Account ID * paymentMethodId * Amount * Order ID - ProviderExternalID * Device Data * Profile ID - Unique ID for each state Braintree --> PXP: authorizeVenmoAccount Response note: [authorizeVenmoAccount Payload]( PXP -> Merchant Cashier: initiatePaymentResponse Merchant Cashier -> PXP: executePaymentActionRequest PXP -> Braintree: Capture Transaction note: [CaptureTransaction Mutation]( * Transaction ID Braintree --> PXP: Capture Transaction Payload note: [CaptureTransaction Payload]( * Update the transaction status in MerchantĀ“s systems and complete the deposit PXP --> Merchant Cashier: executePaymentActionResponse Merchant Cashier --> Player: Show deposit confirmation page to the player Else: If risk check fails Merchant Cashier --> Player: Show deposit failed message to the player end end