Swimlanes.io is a free webapp for making sequence diagrams. You simply edit the text on the left and the diagram is updated in real time. You can download your sequence diagrams as images or distribute with a link.
title: "Full" cheqd DID Resolver Protobuf <-> JSON marshalling autonumber CheqdCobraCommand -> RequestService: **JSON** `resolveUrl(string url)` note: **CheqdCobraCommand** `serve()` RequestService -> DIDDocService: Send `resolveUrl` request with parameters DIDDocService -> LedgerService: Marshall `resolve` requests to Protobuf note: - *JSON* **MarshallProto** `(ProtoMsg)` - *protoiface.MessageV1* **GetDIDFragment** `(Did, string fragmentId)` DIDDocService -> RequestService: Marshall `resolveRepresentation` responses to JSON note: - *JSON* **MarshallDID** `(Did)` - *JSON* **MarshallContentStream** `(protoiface.MessageV1, ContentType)` - *JSON* **MarshallVerificationMethod** `(protoiface.MessageV1, ContentType)` LedgerService -> LedgerService: Run ledger queries note: - **RegisterLedger** `(string nodeUrl)` - *StateValue* **QueryDIDDoc** `(string id)` - *StateValue* **QueryResource** `(string id)` - *StateValue* **QueryCollectionResources** `(string id)` RequestService -> CheqdCobraCommand: JSON-formatted `resolveRepresentation` response